Shravan Fasting: Let Good Health Be The Blessing

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Shravan month is considered the holiest month in the Hindu calendar, dedicated to Lord Shiva. From fasting for the entire month to fasting only on Mondays (Shravan Somwar Vrat), devotees follow this month diligently, offering prayers and austerities along with fasting.

Eating healthy is to be focused on during this time, especially for those fasting for the whole month. While observing the fast, your regular diet gets affected, which could lead to digestive issues- keeping yourself well-hydrated and following the Shravan special diet chart we have prepared for this will definitely help you through this month.

The main aim of fasting is not to torture yourself but to detoxify your body and learn self-control. If you follow a proper meal plan during this month, not only will you fulfill this, but you will also emerge as a healthier you.

Keep in mind the following:

  • Choose your meals wisely: Our diet plans have elaborated on some great meal plan options which will assist you in the best food choices available to you at this time.
  • Keep yourself hydrated: Quench your thirst with a glass of water instead of sugary juices.
  • Consume protein packed food that will keep you full longer: It is a known fact that foods high in protein keep you full longer. Include such choices in your diet to help you make it through the day.
  • Plan your meals wisely so that you have energy throughout the day: Eat at intervals, avoid starving yourself so much that you can barely focus.
  • Avoid deep-fried food as that is the prime reason for weight gain during this time: Many a times, we tend to think that fasting through the day gives us a ticket to hog on fried stuff, but little do we realize the harm it does to our body.

It is possible to fast and stay as healthy as you can once you have planned well before hand. Don’t let your health take the back-seat. Exercise and eat right to the best you can.

Here’s wishing you all a blessed month!

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