Say no to Antiperspirant

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Most antiperspirants have an aluminum-based active ingredient to close up the pores to prevent sweating. Even if there might not be enough evidence to prove that aluminum is linked to Alzheimer’s and cancer, We would rather have you be safe than sorry. And is all that aluminum something you really want to be putting into my body anyways? Not really. And then there’s the fact that a lot of antiperspirants also have other questionable ingredients such as parabens, propylene, glycol, preservatives, and artificial fragrances.

We also don’t really think that it’s the best idea to try to close up the pores on our underarms to prevent sweating the way most antiperspirants are formulated to do. Since we believe that God designed our bodies to cool down and to release toxins through sweat, we don’t think it’s really a good idea to be messing around with that process.


Of course, nobody wants to walk around smelling like they haven’t taken a shower in a month. That’s where deodorants come in. Deodorants can keep you smelling fresh and clean without all of the nasty chemicals.


Search for deodorants next time, you can use the below recommendations:

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